About Me

I’m no different to the average person. I am a happy go lucky individual and go with the flow. I am very courageous and have strong morals. I am down to earth and simple person. I like to walk to the beaches and love to do meditation there. During my leisure time I read, go shopping, go driving or go for yoga. I am a kind, caring, sincere person and have a genuine concern for other people. I enjoy doing things for other people as well as sharing experiences and activities with family and friends. I like playing guitar, spending time outside, listening music, and I enjoy watching sports. Moreover, I like to write songs regarding nature, spirituality, love and life.

I do not call myself a poet because I’m normal human being like you and I’m in learning stage. I just only utilize my leisure time to learn something and I learn something when I write something. My mind goes beyond the expectation and crosses the boundaries when I’m travelling or driving. Travelling means my mood is on to write something on any topics, any feelings.

A little collection of the short stories, songs, poems, scripts, short proses I wrote in certain parts of my life time. There’s a wide range of genre like humour, tragedy, thriller, love, etc. Some stories go back to the time when I started first writing. So, sit back and enjoy reading this.

A little note to all. The stories I write are fictional, and are my works alone, unless if I mention it and I do tend to use inter-textual media, meaning I do use some inspiration from great artists. So, do enjoy, and I am not the best of writers, but I am a writer with a passion for writing. Some of my poems don’t make any sense and it’s my request to read carefully, though I enjoy reading and analyzing poetry. If you find a story or poem emotional, it’s because I wrote it with equal emotions. That’s how I write, I write with my heart as the pen. Anyways, enjoy the writings.

(शब्द सिर्जना गर्नु मेरो रहर हो बाध्यता हैन र पेशा पनि हैन । सानै र अल्पदिमाग लिएरै भएपनि नेपाली साहित्य बारे केही कुरा सिक्नु मेरो उद्देश्य हो, यसलाई अन्यथा लिनुहुन्न भन्ने आशा गरेको छु । गीत लेखन मेरो प्रमूख विधा हो । अरू विधाहरूमा फगत रमाईलोका लागी लेख्छु । यस वेबपेजमा भएका सम्पूर्ण लेखहरू मेरा नितान्त आफ्नै सिर्जना हुन्, तपाई यसमा लाईक तथा कमेन्ट गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ, सरसल्लाह दिन सक्नुहुन्छ तर कुपया कपि तथा पेष्ट गरी जथाभावी नगरीदिनुहोला । यसमा भएका लेख तथा रचनाहरू फाईनल अथवा पूर्ण रूपले लेखिएको भने हैन, भविष्यमा यदि मैले पुस्तक प्रकाशित गरे भने अझ परिस्कृत र सच्चाईएको भेट्नु हुनेछ, त्यसैले यसैलाई अन्तिम नठान्दिनुहोला । तपाईले यसमा थुप्रै त्रुटिहरू भेट्टाउन सक्नुहुन्छ किनभने मैले यसलाई पेशागत रूपमा लिएको छुईन । यदि भाषागत वा व्याकरणीय त्रुटि भए मलाई जानकारी दिनुहोला किनभने ह्रस्वदीर्घको समस्या म भित्र यथावत छ । यदि तपाईलाई मेरा लेखहरू सेयर तथा प्रयोग गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने एकपल्ट मलाई ईमेल गरेर जानकारी गराई दिन हुुन हार्दिक अनुरोध गर्दछु ।)

धन्यबाद ।

राम तामाङ “मुसलधारे ”

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